5 Insider Secrets to Finding Your Edge in Business – Insider Secret #5: Setting Goals for Your Business.

Human crossing the finishing line - a 3d imageAt the beginning of every year, we set personal goals with New Year’s Resolutions. Why not set business goals? Where do you see your business a year or even five years from now? What do you need to do to achieve these goals? Here are a few ideas to help you reach the finish line.

Make Your Goals Real. It’s easy to dream up goals or think about what we would like to accomplish, but thoughts quickly fade away. Write your goals down and make them real. It’s easier to stay focused and commit to goals when they are staring you in the face. Make a chart, create a goal board, set a reminder in your phone. Make your goals a visible reminder of what you’re working towards. Brainstorm ideas with staff members and friends, work as a team and include the people who can help you to achieve your goals.

“Reduce your plan to writing. The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire.” — Napoleon Hill

Be Specific. What exactly do you want to achieve? Are your goals realistic? Do you want to increase annual revenue streams? Reduce costs? What would be a realistic amount and what do you have to do specifically to achieve it? Make your goals short and sweet, don’t overwhelm yourself. Be specific, concise and always optimistic. Believe in yourself and know that you can achieve anything with a little hard work and perseverance.

“Believe you will be successful and you will.” — Dale Carnegie

Think Short-Term. Set weekly or monthly targets. Short-term objectives will be easier to achieve and will help you stay motivated. During the goal setting process, help yourself by setting up simple reporting mechanisms to help you track results. Remember to celebrate every success, no matter the size. Make it a habit to sit down at the end of each work week to review performance against goals and set your objectives for the following week. This simple routine will help you stay on the path that leads to long-term goal achievement.

“The harder I work, the luckier I get.” – Samuel Goldwyn

Our goal at The Art of Accounting is to provide outstanding service and offer our clients guidance to achieve future results. Contact us today to see how we can help your business thrive.